Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that I lost a filling in my tooth over the weekend and my appointment to get it fixed isn't until tomorrow morning. This has made eating and drinking things rather difficult yet it hasn't stopped me. I did eat a lot less than normal though so I know I stayed within my calories yesterday.

The reason I bring this up is that the scale read 213.6 this morning. Given what I've just said, I know for a fact i did not gain 1.8 pounds in one day. I post this to remind myself that the scale is not always the most accurate and best interpretation of my success. I know what I ate and how I feel and that's the most important thing.

Something else that has become a result of this ordeal is that I care much more about my teeth. It has been too painful to brush my teeth or use mouthwash for the past few days. I'm not very good at maintaining oral health to begin with but I hope this will serve as a wake up call because my mouth and teeth have never felt so gross. I actually want to brush my teeth! Lol.

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