Sunday, July 31, 2011


So far my attempts at exercise have been mediocre at best. Yesterday I ran from my kitchen to my front door several times for about 5 minutes. Since I'm no runner, I'll take it. Lol.

Today I finally put my Just Dance 2 DVD in and did 3 songs. Also not that great, but it's something.

I hate how hot my house is too. For someone who hates heat, it is very hard to motivate to exercise when it's 86 degrees in my house and the slightest movement causes sweat.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Just Dance

This blog has been many things for me since I started it, but today it's going to revert back to its original purpose. This will once again be my accountability and my documention of my struggle to lose weight through exercise and mindful eating.

I say mindful eating because I never was good with a diet. For me, I am going to focus most of my energy on exercising at first to negate my bad food choices. Once I establish an exercise routine that I actually stick to, I will really focus on what I'm eating. For me, I know I cannot do too many things at once. Every time I have tried to lose weight in the past, I have tried to change every aspect of my life instantly. I force myself to eat few calories and all healthy ones at that, tell myself I need to go to the gym 6 days a week, need to start meditating, need to change my sleeping schedule, etc. etc. etc. I always fail within a week because I simply can't handle that many changes at once(even though they do all need to be changed, eventually).

This leads me to the title of my blog post. I recently had a birthday and used some money to purchase Just Dance 2 for the Wii. Now, I have other exercise games/videos for the Wii but I never did them because they weren't fun. I rented Just Dance 2 as a trial and actually had fun, sweating out to about 5 songs. To me, this seems like a great transition because I can enjoy it. Sure, it's no elliptical or cardio boot camp, but it gets me moving and at this point in my life that's a pretty big step.

Here goes.. Just Dance!