Monday, February 21, 2011

No Excuses

I have been extremely neglectful in this blog! A few big changes since I last wrote on here:

  • I have a part time job. Only 15 hours a week, but it gets me out of the house!
  • I have given up drinking pop which is huge for me considering I used to drink 3-4 cans of Diet Coke a day. I think I might gradually reintroduce it but for now, cold turkey was my best option.
  • I have started signing up for lots of paid survey sites in the hopes of getting a little extra cash to pay down/off my credit cards. I only just started but I'll probably start posting the good sites I find once I get into a routine with them.
  • I am barely fluttering in the flylady way, but think she is a great tool for those of us perfectionists that let it get in the way of a clean house. Definitely check out FlyLady if you're living in CHAOS(Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) and need some help getting out.
That's all for now. I'll try to be back later this week to write more on FlyLady and paid survey sites. Until then, what's for dinner??