Saturday, October 6, 2012

Loving My Lashes, Loving Myself

I look in the mirror more lately. I blink and bat my eyelashes at myself in awe. Look at that length! Sure, they would appear normal by most standards, but for me I have model length lashes for the first time in over ten years.

For the better part of my life, anxiety has caused me to do some silly things. Pull my hair out, pluck all my eyebrows, pick at my lips, and pull out my eyelashes. All of these being visible to others, I have walked a fine line of no one noticing to being questioned or even made fun of for my habits.

I tricked myself into my longer lashes this time. I spent $30 on a bottle of lash lengthing product that I would be darned if I wasted. I actually convinced myself to leave my eyelashes alone for the past month, and for my dedication I no longer have stubble or an empty spot on my eyelid.  Now, I am not sure if I can pin this success on the product, or just the fact that I finally let my eyelashes grow without interfering. I suppose either way, the $30 was well spent.

It’s about time I made myself up with some eye shadow and mascara without worrying that people will notice the glaring lack of eyelashes. While some might bemoan the idea that to be pretty you have to apply makeup, I’m just glad I finally have the ability to do so after years of hoping no one was really looking at my face.

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